The English Heritage Trust receives £50,000 in funding to help preserve historic sites

As part of the Movement for Good Awards Ecclesiastical Insurance and Benefact Group are funding a project for the English Heritage Trust that will help reduce the effects of climate hazards on important historical sites.
With its extraordinary collection of buildings and monuments which span six millennia, The English Heritage Trust is a charity that manages over 400 historic buildings, monuments and sites. These include world-famous prehistoric sites, grand medieval castles, impressive Roman forts, a Cold War bunker and country houses. Through these, the charity brings the story of England and its history to life for over 10 million people each year.
The funding will enable the English Heritage Trust to launch its Impact Pilot, a one-year research project into addressing the climate risks at its historic sites. It’s anticipated the project will benefit all sites by mapping the climate hazards as well as trialling new approaches for tackling climate change at five sites in high-risk areas.
The pilot will also inform wider research and engagement into how heritage sites can build resilience and adapt historic properties to the ever-changing climate.
The awards are designed to help charities make a real difference in their communities and beyond. More than 500 charities applied for the funding with the winning projects being selected against four criteria: impact and effectiveness, sustainability, innovation, and care and compassion.

Mark Hews, Group Chief Executive of Benefact Group, said: “At Benefact Group we believe business should be a force for good. More than ever, charitable causes need sustained support and a sense of financial stability. Through our Movement for Good larger-grant awards, we are championing a more imaginative way of supporting charities so that they can have some certainty in these challenging times. We know our funding can be a lifeline to those who are struggling with cost-of-living increases and a grant of this scale can make a huge difference to the incredible work that charities do.

“Benefact Group is the fourth largest corporate donor in the UK and has an ambition to be the biggest. Owned by a charity, all our available profits go to good causes, and the more the Group grows, the more the Group can give. As a company whose purpose is to contribute to the greater good of society, charitable giving is at the heart of what we do.”

Ruth Knight, Head of Climate and Sustainability as the English Heritage Trust, said: “Climate change is one of the most significant threats to our cultural heritage. We care for over 400 invaluable historic sites across the country and are already seeing the accelerating impact of climate change from coastal erosion through to increasing pests. Through this Movement for Good grant we will, for the first time, be able to holistically assess climate risk at our sites and start to develop practical adaptation and building resilience to ensure we can continue to bring the story of England's history to life for millions of people.”

Movement for Good is funded by EIO plc, part of the Benefact Group.



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