Two Capricorn Beetles, classified as extinct in the UK, have recently been re-homed at Stratford-upon-Avon Butterfly Farm after being discovered in timber by builder Tim Parker of Hempton, Oxfordshire. Experts at the Butterfly Farm suspect that the Beetles came in on the same batch of timber imported from Central Europe. The wood had been infected with Beetle grubs that had then pupated and emerged, much to the surprise and fascination of Tim. These wonderful creatures are now on display within Minibeast Metropolis for visitors to view. The last time the Butterfly Farm had a Capricorn Beetle on display was back in 2012 when it was imported on an oak beam from Germany.
The Capricorn Beetle, also known as Cerambyx cerdo is a long horned, woodboring Beetle that has been extinct in the UK since the early 18th century but can still be found in parts of Central Europe where they are considered rare. The Beetle is one of Europe's largest species from the Longhorn family, easily recognised by their exceptionally long antennae.