Either way, you will have dozens of questions about conservation rules and regulations and what that will mean should you need to carry out repairs or maintenance work in the future.
Windows are particularly prone to damage as weather and time takes its toll over the decades. Unfortunately, windows are often the key factor to giving your property its unique character and retaining its heritage. So how can you keep them in top condition, protecting your home and its charm for generations to come?
The answer is secondary glazing. . .but not just any old glazing units will do. They need to be unobtrusive and sympathetic as well as functional. They need to keep heat in, keep noise and weather out and all without detracting from your property's charm and character.
Storm, based in the Midlands, have devised a way of meeting all these requirements with simplistic, aluminium, colour-matched glazing units, expertly crafted and made to measure.
The team at Storm are celebrating their 20th anniversary - and over the past two decades have built up a client list that speaks volumes about the standard of the service they offer.
As well as private homeowners, Storm has also carried out work for organisations like English Heritage, the National Trust, The Landmark Trust, Historic Scotland and Cadw. They have all been happy to put their vulnerable and historic properties in the hands of the experts at Storm.